Gardner Tackle Camou Bait Buckets

Okay, so a bucket is a bucket, right? Not necessarily. Firstly, I hate buckets with really noisy lids or ones that take the end of your fingers off when peeling the lids off. No such worries with these. They’re pretty robust too, and the handles seem to last.

Also, I love the fact that there are a range of four sizes available, namely 2.5, 5, 10 and15 litre, the two smallest ones being my favourites. The middle two have only just landed in the office and I suspect they won’t be here for long! Although available in plain olive green, I kind of like these camou ones because the pattern is quite subtle and they actually look even better with a bit of use. As buckets go, these are decent, and they’re also good value too. (MC)

£3.50 to £8.50