Daiwa Windcast Z Reel

The TC boys get to grips with tackle and bait, testing them to the limit out on the bank. Here’s what they think…


RRP: £199.99
Website: www.daiwasports.co.uk
Test period: Six months
Jason Umney says: I have a habit of breaking tackle so I prefer strong, robust reels that can withstand a bit of abuse. There are a variety of top-end reels on the market that weigh next to nothing and boast a hefty price tag. I couldn’t trust myself with such reels because I reckon I would end up breaking them.

The Windcasts look great and perform well but also feel like they can withstand anything I throw at them. They possess an excellent clutch and line peels from the spool effortlessly when casting at range. They look the part and a few people have mistaken them for Daiwa Basiairs, a reel that costs more than double their price! The quality and performance offers value for money, especially considering that some reels in the same class cost twice the price.

Jason's Verdict
Performance: ★★★★★★★★★★
Value: ★★★★★★★★★
Brilliant, reliable reels