Refined and ready for big carp!

Within the ESP line-up there is a pattern of hook for virtually every situation, yet there is one common theme that each hook shares. This is the unique manufacturing techniques used to create an extraordinarily strong forge with outstanding durability of every point, which is achieved through an advanced cryogenic tempering process. Each hook is then finished with a smooth PTFE coating that not only heavily reduces the refraction of light but also promises consistent penetration into the hardest of mouths.

Within the current range of hooks there are 10 different patterns to choose from, with the latest additions being the Claw-Hammer and Slammers. These two hooks are a direct result of ESP’s efforts, who constantly look to improve and refine the hook range having taken existing patterns to build upon. These being the Classic and Grippers, where the Claw-Hammers have used the Gripper’s distinct beak point and wide gape to further elongate the point section, as well as making them finer and thus sharper.

The two largest sizes of hook have also seen their thickness of wire gauge increase another 0.1mm for increased strength. This also applies to the new Slammer pattern, which has improved upon the Classic with a wider gape and an enlarged eye to support the use of thicker materials to pass through multiple times with ease. The Claw-Hammer has also received the same treatment. Both hooks make for highly effective bottom bait, pop-up and wafter presentations but fear not, if you are an avid Gripper and Classic hook user, these are still readily available.

The majority of hooks within ESP’s stable support both barbed and barbless, excluding the Para-Point. This contender is what many would consider to be a Continental style of hook, where incredible strength is required for the hardest fishing and largest carp that live in seriously demanding environments. Those that continue to remain a fan favourite are the Stiff Riggers, which many chod rig and hinge rig users still favour. So are the Curve Shanx, which prove to be highly effective for many bottom bait and wafter presentations.

There are also two other outurned eyed patterns that suit the tying of rigs with thicker hook links, and these come in the shape of the Grip Rigger and Chod-Hammers. The Grip Riggers have a wonderful beaked point, whereas the Chod-Hammers have a medium length shank with straight point. Should you be searching for a hook that can present a pop-up on any low lying pop-up presentation, as well as for bottom baits, the Trig-Hammer may be the solution. Many of the patterns in the range are available in sizes of 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 with a couple of exceptions being the Classics and Curve Shanx, which are obtainable in sizes 4, 6, 7, 8 and 10, all of which are supplied in packets of 10.

RRP - £4.85