Lockey's 100th 50!

Incredible milestone for Solar Tackle Boss.
Martin Locke has just returned from a session at Rainbow Lake that saw him surpass an incredible milestone in angling achievement

In the first week of a two-week trip, the Solar Tackle boss landed a 58lb mirror, which was his 100th fifty. Amazingly, the sparsely-scaled, 58lb mirror was the first carp that Martin caught from Rainbow on his first trip in November 2004 at a weight of 41lb.

As far as we know, this feat has only been achieved by one other angler, Paul Hunt, who landed his 100th fifty a couple of years ago.
Martin commented: “To be honest I didn’t twig that it was my 100th 50 until after I had caught it- but when I started totting the figures up it suddenly dawned on me that I had done the ton!

I just love fishing out at Rainbow, it is a magnificent place to fish with a real sense of camaraderie about it. It is so good that people travel 1,000s of kilometres to fish it, us Brits actually have it easy when you consider some of the journeys that anglers from Eastern Europe have to make to fish there!

It will always hold a special place in my heart, as I captured the World Record Carp from the lake a few years ago. My only aims now are to carry on fishing at the venue and keep enjoying it.”   

Martin fished with Club Mix Cream boilies on the famous French water and landed 30 carp during the session to 63lb 8oz.