Carpers' New Year

We've all got plans for our 2012 carping, but what are the stars aiming for this year?

Fresh calendar, fresh resolutions, fresh plans. With the New Year firmly started, Total Carp finds out what a some of the big name carp stars have got planned for 2012.


The next 12 months is set to be hectic for me. I’ve got loads of tuitions booked and a few Foreign trips looming, including a visit to Luke Moffatt’s Les Graviers lake in France. As well as continuing my media role with Shimano Normark I’m also shooting a DVD all about Linear Fisheries with my good mate Ian Russel. In terms of my personal angling I plan to keep plugging away at the Farriers syndicate in the Cotswolds.


This year my intentions are to dot some I’s and cross some T’s regarding my past angling. There are a few fish I have some unfinished business with, namely the big common from the Northamptonshire Estate Lake, and Vinny’s Fish and the Scar Fish from Westhampnett. I still have my radar on for pastures new but I’d like to achieve these goals before moving on.


I’m really busy with filming among other things this year, so much so I reckon I’ll get 16 nights to do my own fishing if I’m lucky. I’ll be presenting some of the episodes in the new Thinking Tackle series, and of course the new underwater DVD, which is always exciting. I’ve got a new ticket in Northampton to explore and I’m also really looking forward to starting my new series in Total Carp – Ali Hamidi’s Carp Fishing SOS.


As well as my usual day-ticket adventures I plan to set out and fish some new waters in search of some serious chunks. I’d love to bag another forty or two this year and particularly one bigger than my current PB of 44lb 2oz. There’s also my new Total Carp feature The 20’s Challenge to get my teeth into, I can’t wait.


After all my gear was stolen in October and with my free time currently dedicated to boxing I can honestly say that for the start of the year I have absolutely no interest in going fishing. I think I’ll get back into the swing of things come the spring and I plan to completely change the way I fish, as day sessions revolving around stalking and floater fishing are all that I will be able to afford time wise.


It’s going to be another mad one for me this year. I’m off here there and everywhere it seems. I plan to fish Sutton and Roach Pit in late winter, chasing the stunners that they hold and I’ve got a trip booked to Belgium with my good mate Mike in February. I’ve also got a trip to the South of France sorted for early spring too, then I’ll start preparing for my Spring assault on a few little venues I’ve got lined up closer to home.


For the early part of the year I’m really busy carp farming, harvesting the latest mass of mini carp and finding them all homes. As a result fishing is on the back burner for the most part in late winter. Come spring I’ll be dusting the rods off and floating around a few of my favourite Cemex venues in search of a bite or two. As far as overseas trips are concerned I’ve got one trip to Gigantica confirmed in September and any more will probably be booked last minute.