Brace Of Xmas 40s

Huge pair of mirrors banked during festive session for a total of over 88lb.

This Christmas break saw one carper receive a present he’ll never forget after a session on a quiet Berkshire stillwater produced a massive brace of 40lb mirrors.

Fishing a three night session, David Herridge – boss of Gloucester tackle shop The Carp Den – was just looking for a few runs during his time on the bank. But with a strong south westerly blowing into his face and much warmer than average conditions he was confident that, if he played his tactics right, he could end up with plenty more.

Arriving at his chosen water early on Boxing Day, the 30-year-old targeted a silt channel that he knew the fish patrolled at around 60 yards range. A scattering of 80 16mm white ID Bait Developments white nut boilies went out over the channel (40 over each of his rods), before David cast his traps, confident that the fish would find them.

That night his plans paid off, when an 18lb common slipped up, but there was better and bigger to come.

“I had a slow take at 6.40am the next morning which as soon as I struck it just bent the rod double,” David told Total Carp. “It gave a dogged fight and I could tell it was heavy, it felt like being attached to a bag of potatoes.”

In his waders and out in the water to net the fish to avoid margin snags, David admits his knees ‘went to jelly’ when he saw the size of the carp.

“Me previous pb was 29lb 3oz and I knew this thing would just obliterate it as soon as I saw it. It looked even bigger on the mat and when the scales went round to 41lb 4oz it was just amazing,” continued David.

On a high after the big specimen, David knew this was going to be a session of a lifetime, even telling his mates that he felt he could have another forty before his three nights were up – and he wasn’t wrong.

After topping up the channel with a further 40 freebies, at 7.45 on his last evening his alarm sprung into life with a much more aggressive take.

“This one felt like it meant business,” continued David. “It made several runs taking line and kited left up the lake towards overhanging trees. Luckily it stayed low and didn’t get snagged. I just kept the pressure on all the way to the net, but my heart was in mouth my mouth all the time because I knew this was probably another pb.”

On the scales the fish spun the needle round to a whopping 47lb, completing a brace of forties for a total of over 88lb.

“It was unbelievable and if I could have stayed on to fish some more then I would have. It’s a session I will never ever forget,” added David.

Both of David’s fish fell for a single 16mm white ID Bait Developments white nut pop-up presented on a size 4 Korda Kaptor Kurv Shank hook to a Korda N-Trap 20lb hooklink in weed green. Mainline was 15lb Subline with David using a 3oz square pear lead to help the hook hit home.

For more information on The Carp Den, click here.

The first forty at 41lb 4oz - but there was even bigger to come.