Angling News Week Now On Sale!

Massive French carp, and Ali Hamidi on particle baits.
It has been a great week for specimen fish captures, with massive salmon, carp, cod and perch gracing anglers’ nets.

Of all the above, the salmon must rank as the most impressive – a cock fish estimated at between 35lb and 50lb from the River Tweed on the Scottish border! We have the incredible story inside, straight from the ghillie’s mouth…

Also, match fishing World Champion Sean Ashby had a session to remember on the first day of the recent Sensas Challenge Final, after banking a 30lb carp – on light silver-fish tackle – and we have news of a German carp angler who has been taking some startling catches on a new bait.

On top of this, there is the tale of the night fisherman who was ravaged by a fox, and the tackle company that sold out of an entire range of flagship poles just two weeks after their launch!

Plus we have a host of other great features, including an instructional video from top matchman Andy Kinder on how to bag up down the edge in the cold!

We also have carp tackle under the spotlight, and Ali Hamidi on getting the most from particle baits. Click here to pick up your copy today!