Angling International Open New Water

New complex within driving distance of Calais.
Foreign angling agents Angling International have announced the opening of a new French carp fishing complex. Lac De Premiere is a 43 acre complex situated in northern France a comfortable 2.5 hours away from Calais.

Holding a big head of carp to well over 60lb, the venue has 16 swims, an on-site Restaurant, snack/breakfast bar, Sky TV, and toiliets and showers.  

Lac De Premiere is managed by well-known continental big fish angler Keith Gladden who, up until taking over the reigns on Lac De Premiere, was the owner of the hugely successful Canary Carping outfit. Keith is vastly experienced in the holiday business and knows exactly what travelling anglers require from their stay.

One big advantage at Lac De Premiere is that you can tailor the length of your stay to suit you and unlike most open French venues, you don't need to book in for a week at a time.

In fact, prices for a short three night stay start at £200 and with the complex being within easy reach of Calais, it means a long weekend trip certainly isn't out of the question for regular channel hoppers.  

Call 0845 689 7080 for more details.