Baden Hall Haul

Day ticket venue delivers five 20s in 48 hours to local angler.

Carp angler Juan Coetzee has been taking day-ticket venue Baden Hall fishery apart, with his latest session at the venue delivering a result of five 20lb plus fish in 48 hours.

The 25-year-old Scaffolder took his time finding his fishing spots when he first arrived at the popular venue, choosing to target the bay area on New Quarry Pool from peg 20.

Managing to locate a clear area at around 60yards range in between the thick beds of weed, the Stafford angler’s first move was to spod out a mix of bloodworm pellet, white crumb maize and a number of 18 Yum Yum Baits shellshock boilies creating a 10foot square bed of feed.

Over this Juan fished a rig made from PB Products jelly wire, a size 8 Korda Kaptor hook, a safezone leader and 3oz pear lead. Hook bait was a Yum Yum Baits 14mm Shellshock boilie topped off with a solid PVA bag loaded with crumbled boilies and 3mm bloodworm pellets.

“The first 15hours were very slow,” said Juan. “There were fish showing over my baited area but they weren’t feeding. I went to bed at midnight and then at 4am I got a screamer of a run from a 28lb 2oz common which buried itself in the weed and took me 40 minutes to get to the net."

Casting back to the same spot after topping up with another 15 spods of bait and 100 freebies each time, Juan then went to town landing a further four fish all over 20 at 20lb 3oz, 23lb 1oz, 21lb 4oz and 26lb 5oz, during the next 24hours.

“It was an amazing session, with some stunning fish,” added Juan.

For more details on fishing Baden Hall click Here.